Futura Face™
Light Therapy and Teeth Whitening Machine
The Futura Face™ uses proven, powerful LED light therapy to provide numerous beautifying and age-defying benefits. With 8 settings, 8 wavelengths, and the power of 267 LEDs, Futura Face™ promises to be one of the most functional, versatile, and profitable machines in your salon or spa. Plus, it’s the only machine that will whiten teeth and treat skin at the same time. Some of the benefits include:
- Fewer, Less Pronounced Wrinkles
- Increased Collagen Production
- Firmer, Younger-Looking Skin
- Reduced Redness and Rosacea
- Smoother, More Even Skin Tone
- Lighter, Whiter Skin (if desired)
- Clearer Skin / Fewer Blemishes
- Whiter Teeth
8 Settings
- Full Face
- Teeth Only
- Full Face and Teeth
- Eyes Only
- Forehead and Nose
- Nose Only
- Forehead Only
- Cheeks
8 Wavelengths
- Red – reverses signs of aging with multiple anti-aging benefits including collagen production
- Orange – revitalizes skin for special occasions
- Yellow – reduces appearance of redness, swelling, and inflammation from sunburn and rosacea
- Green – calms skin, reduces inflammation and hyper-pigmentation, brightens skin
- Cyan – calms skins, reduces appearance of capillaries, promotes healing, fortifies other treatments
- Blue – treats active acne and whitens teeth
- Purple – increases cell regeneration
- Infra-Red –

Light Therapy – A Highly Lucrative Profit Center
With so many high-demand benefits in one machine, it’s easy to see how you could keep your Futura Face™ busy all day long, with 2-3 treatments per hour. Simply determine your price for one treatment and do the math! Your investment could be paid for in a matter of days.
Collagen Masks Magnify the Benefits of Light Therapy
Transparent collagen masks are an emerging beauty trend that works well by itself but its benefits are magnified when used with light-therapy. We offer collagen masks injected with a variety of additional ingredients that target the same beauty benefits as the selected wavelength. For example, our Anti-Acne Collagen Mask works with Blue light and contains benzoyl peroxide. Our Anti-Aging Collagen Mask works with Red light and contains hyaluronic acid.